Hire a Local Criminal Defense Attorney

There are many fantastic criminal defense attorneys across the country, and across the state. However, when choosing a criminal defense lawyer in Iowa, it is best to stay local.

In Iowa the same laws and rules of criminal procedure exist in Council Bluffs, Des Moines, and Iowa City, but the way similar cases are dealt with differs from county to county. A great plea deal in Cedar County may be a poor plea deal in Johnson County. And although the same state rules of criminal procedure exist in each county, the way cases are scheduled, whether a preliminary hearing is set and when the expected outcome could be reached is different across county lines.

A local attorney should be able to tell you when and how your case will be handled. More importantly, however, they can tell you what the possible outcomes would be.

I have handled 1500+ cases locally. I can give a defendant a solid understanding of the when, the how, and the what of their case. But I would not be able to counsel someone adequately across the state in Council Bluffs. I have not entered an appearance in that court, and therefore would not be able to immediately tell that client what a common disposition would be.

Therefore, when looking for a lawyer to defend you against a criminal charge, look for someone that regularly appears in that jurisdiction.